Father McGivney sought to strengthen the familial bond of father to mother and children to parents. His vision for family life was not only financial and material aid but also spiritual strength. The majority of our time is easily spent in secular circles unless we intentionally create ways to live the domestic church. These programs, created for families by families. SK Sam Tedesco woodhesamx@att.net
Developing programs to promote and support the development of strong and vibrant families.
Promotes the true fraternal spirit of Christmas in our homes, schools, parishes and communities.
Invite each family in the parish to consecrate themselves to the Holy Family,
In conjunction with the Parish Loaves and Fishes Program. Help end hunger in in our area.
Strengthen the bonds within our parishes and build faith-filled families. This is an opportunity for council members, families and the whole parish community to come together once a month for an evening of prayer, dinner and fellowship.
Knights are called to serve others. Our first principle is Charity – at home with our families and in our communities. When Knights of Columbus members come together as one through their council and parish, they accomplish great things. POC is SK Jim Baskin jnmbaskin@gmail.com
Provide warmth for deserving children during cold winter months.
Build homes for families in need.
Prepare your community before disaster strikes. Help in hurricane disaster recovery.
Help veterans in need and support our five branches of the military. Participate in our Veterans Day Dinner. Help veterans at the VA nursing home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlMoSzgtnXg&list=PL8dhS0o-trLj4YwukwAK8U0goRNmQOVrQ&index=9
Athletic outlet for youth ages 9 to 14. Combined with our church picnic. Competition at Council, District , State and National levels.
Youth grades 8-12 demonstrate their faith through creative writing.
Together with the church's program Loafs & Fishes put your faith into action and help those less fortunate in our community.
Change the lives of people with disabilities worldwide. http://kofc.org/en/programs/community/global-wheelchair-mission.html#/
Honoring, Thanking and Praying with and for our Community First Responders. Our Local Heroes. POC Sir Knight Dave Vaden, Dave@davevaden.com
Join the Knights riding motorcycles. Contact SK Dave Vaden (Council 8086 Captain) for information about the Council 8086 riders dave@davevaden.com or 540-537-9130.
Programs in this category are designed to draw us closer to God and the Church in a tangible and meaningful way. POC SK Bob Thomas or Dennis Flesch at dflesch49@bellsouth.net
Strengthen the domestic church (our families) by providing exceptional religious education materials to all Catholics.
Keep the faith alive by supporting our seminarians and postulates.
Support families during the most important events in the life of the domestic church: the sacraments.
Build faithful families and communities through rosary prayer.
Deepen your spirituality and formation to combat the crisis of religious faith in our world.
Encourage deep personal encounter with God.
Spread devotion to Our Lady and pray for our brothers and sisters in faith who are at risk around the world.
Efforts to recruit and retain members 18-25 years old. They do many activities that young men like. See our Infinity Knight Tab.
“Catholics must be committed to the defense of life in all its stages and in every condition” (St. John Paul II, 1995). The urgency of the threat to a culture of life in our world cannot be misunderstood. The Knights of Columbus vigorously defends the dignity of each human being at every stage of life. Councils and parishes can work to build a culture of life and a civilization of love through these important programs. POC SK Vito Benedetto, vbenedetto65@aol.com
Show public support for the right to life.
Celebrate the intrinsic worth and dignity of every single human being.
Check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zjfUB7Rfxg&list=PL8dhS0o-trLj4YwukwAK8U0goRNmQOVrQ&index=4
Help abortion-minded women to choose life by viewing their unborn children on ultrasound machines. https://www.kofc.org/campaigns/en/ultrasound/index.html
Share the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe and promote respect for life through this meaningful pilgrimage.
Leading our community in the spiritual fight to establish a culture of life in our nations.
Welcome individuals or families who might not normally feel comfortable participating in a regularly scheduled Mass.
Changing public hearts and minds about abortion by showing love for both mother and child before and after birth.
Contact Vito 631-388-1051